
ADVANCED THYROID CANCER: A Miraculous Recovery for Ida Prisca, a 25-Year-Old Woman

Version Malagasy         Version Fançaise

Rafiankinantsoa Ida Prisca, a 25-year-old woman, shares her journey of battling thyroid cancer after a late diagnosis in 2022. Despite the advanced stage of the disease, she courageously faced the challenge and resumed her life in May.

For six years, Rafiankinantsoa Hanitriniala Ida Prisca unknowingly suffered from thyroid cancer, only discovering it in 2022. The 25-year-old began experiencing breathing difficulties and fatigue in October 2022, at the age of 23. Her health deteriorated rapidly, with worsening breathing issues that led to her being rushed to the hospital.

Ida Prisca's cancer was classified as advanced (pT3).

Ida Prisca’s cancer was classified as advanced (pT3).

She was initially admitted to Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona Hospital (HJRA) in Anosy but was later transferred to the referral hospital in Andohatapenaka. There, she was treated in the otorhinolaryngology (ENT) department, which specializes in diagnosing and managing diseases of the nose, throat, ears, and larynx.  « While rubbing my neck, I felt an unusual lump. At first, it seemed like an Adam’s apple. The swelling appeared right in the center, became hard, and then spread significantly. Unfortunately, I ignored these symptoms, and the swelling kept growing. I started choking, and something felt obstructive when I ate. I had difficulty breathing and felt like I was suffocating. At one point, I had a severe crisis, couldn’t breathe, and was rushed to the hospital » explains Ida Prisca as she describes the progression of her illness. Upon arriving at the hospital, she received emergency treatment to alleviate her condition. A month later, test results revealed the presence of thyroid nodules: the left lobe had grown to 6 centimeters, while the right lobe measured 1 centimeter. On November 20, 2022, she underwent surgery to remove her thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ located in the center of the neck in front of the trachea. The thyroid secretes hormones that regulate the proper functioning of various organs. Among its primary functions, it stimulates body tissues to produce proteins and increases the amount of oxygen used by cells. The thyroid also regulates heart rate, skin integrity, growth, heat production, fertility, and digestion.

Advanced Cancer

After the surgery, a pathological examination was conducted. Only after this analysis could the doctors confirm whether the tumor was cancerous and determine its grade. The results revealed that Ida Prisca’s cancer was classified as advanced (pT3). « I was really devastated to hear that. I was pessimistic and thought I was going to die. My parents cried and said, ‘You haven’t even had children yet »,  the young woman recounts. Four (4) doctors comforted her at that moment, according to her explanation. « They explained the types of treatments I needed to follow. I was recommended to undergo radioiodine therapy rather than chemotherapy. I was told that there is only one doctor practicing this here in Madagascar. They gave me 15 days to think it over because I must avoid becoming pregnant during the treatment . The treatment aims to destroy the cancerous cells. It could cause birth defects if I become pregnant », says Ida Prisca. She decided to proceed with the treatment. « What if I die? Maybe I should do everything I haven’t done before leaving here. That’s what was going through my mind, but my family comforted me, and I decided to start the treatment », she continues in her story. In February 2023, specifically from January 28 to February 5, 2023, Ida Prisca began her treatment. She was treated by Dr. Rasata Ravelo Andriamparany, a specialist in nuclear medicine.

Dr. Rasata Ravelo Andriamparany, a specialist in nuclear medicine

Dr. Rasata Ravelo Andriamparany, a specialist in nuclear medicine

« 97% of thyroid cancers can be effectively treated »,  he explains. « The treatment is performed after thyroid surgery. Then, a medication is administered to eliminate remaining thyroid cells—referred to as thyroid remnants—that the surgeon cannot remove. The goal is to eliminate all cancerous cells present in the gland or throughout the body through radioactive iodine treatment. This medication targets the cancerous cells from head to toe, which the surgeon cannot see »,  says Dr. Rasata, describing the treatment for thyroid cancer patients. « It’s similar to radiotherapy, but ours is targeted radiotherapy—meaning it only targets the cancerous cells of the thyroid. It does not affect normal cells, nor does it impact the heart or kidneys »,he emphasized. « There are only three countries where iodine-131 is available. Only nuclear medicine specialists with international certification are allowed to import it ». Ida Prisca remained isolated for five days after undergoing the treatment. « I couldn’t meet anyone during that period. People had to stay eight meters away from me if they wanted to see me. We couldn’t even talk; we just exchanged a wave, and that was it », she says. The medication cost 3,200,000 Ariary, according to Ida Prisca’s explanation. The medication was injected into her body and would work for one year. If she wasn’t cured within that period, she would need to repeat the radioiodine therapy. She frequently returns to consult the doctor to monitor her health progress after hospitalization. She undergoes tests every three months, sometimes even monthly, to track the progression of the cancerous cells spreading throughout her body.

Total Recovery

Ida Prisca, a 25-Year-Old

Ida Prisca, a 25-Year-Old

A year later, Ida Prisca triumphs over thyroid cancer. Her health has continued to improve with each examination. « I no longer have cancer. I am completely cured and there are no traces left, according to the February 2024 test results », she says with a smile. However, she is still under medical surveillance and regularly undergoes check-ups. She also takes lifelong medication to replace the function of the thyroid removed from her neck. According to her doctor’s recommendations, she can now have children. The young woman is celebrating her 25th birthday in 2024. She has resumed her higher education studies after completely interrupting them during her treatment. Recently, she successfully defended her thesis to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Communication in October 2024. Dr. Rasata confirms that Ida Prisca’s cancer was at stage three. « Stage pT3 is already very advanced. The cancer cells have spread widely throughout the body », he explained. He also noted that there are several types of progression for thyroid cancer, some of which spread to the bones, the upper part of the skull, and the spinal column. Treatment in such cases requires time. « He said it usually takes eight (8) or nine (9) years for her to be completely cured, but it can be well managed ». Ida Prisca encourages patients, especially those with cancer, not to be discouraged but to maintain a determined spirit and the courage to fight so that the disease does not prevail. « It’s true that the illness is inside you, but it requires courage because it gives energy to the body. It’s better not to dwell too much on the illness if you want to overcome it. In addition, it’s important to follow the doctor’s advice and not forget to pray »,  she shares, explaining how she faced her situation. Besides the cost of the imported medication, the young girl spent millions, including 2,000,000 Ariary for the surgical operation, 120,000 Ariary per analysis for follow-ups, as well as the lifelong medication. « There are many patients who need help, especially those affected by cancer. It’s important for all parties involved to take care of them », she urges.

Causes of thyroid cancer

Dr. Rasata Ravelo Andriamparany, a specialist in nuclear medicine

Dr. Rasata Ravelo Andriamparany, a specialist in nuclear medicine

The thyroid cancer can arise from family history or hereditary factors according to Dr. Rasata. « It’s important to be vigilant if a family has a history of swelling in the neck, even if the person does not have a goiter, as they may later develop thyroid cancer. People working in environments exposed to radiation can also be affected. Air pollution is another cause. The third cause is unknown or idiopathic, meaning we don’t really know why this person gets thyroid cancer »,  explains Dr. Rasata regarding the risk factors of thyroid cancer. Therefore, whenever a nodule appears in the neck or head without any prior trauma, it’s important to be vigilant, according to medical advice. Ida Prisca also stressed not to massage the nodule. « The swelling may not be visible anymore, but it can still spread further. It’s better to consult a doctor immediately ».  Women are more affected by thyroid cancer, according to the patients examined by Dr. Rasata. « Out of 10 patients who come to see me, eight (8) are women and two (2) are men. Women have additional organs compared to men, such as the female reproductive system. This could explain why more women are affected by this cancer »,  said Dr. Rasata. Ida Prisca explained that according to her doctors, one of the factors contributing to her cancer was hormonal imbalance. « There was a period where I didn’t have my period for five (5) months. It started suddenly and then didn’t stop at all. I went to the doctor to get it stopped. I always felt pain, spasms. I felt weak, exhausted. The cancer was already inside me, affecting my body without me knowing », she shared about her experience. According to the doctor, a way to prevent thyroid cancer is to maintain a balanced diet. Foods that are toxic to the thyroid or can cause goiter when consumed frequently and repetitively include cabbage and cassava.


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